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Dooxin kept securing export orders

Browsing:629     Time: 2020-09-21

Just in recent couple of weeks, the company has continually secured several export orders, including the orders from Southeast Asia and Western Africa. DX340 excavator and 5 tonner loader are the models favored by the clients, and the orders are mainly the purchase of the two models. Total number of the orders encompass 25 units of DX340 excavators, 5 units of 5T loaders.

Pengcheng Dooxin's export business has been organized and undergone orderly in recent years. Although it is affected by pandemic this year, the impact is in fact not so significant on the export business of the company. In the first half of this year, despite the epidemic difficulties, the company gained orders from Philippines and Indonesia. Along with the incremental improvement of the pandemic, orders from overseas increased little by little. The client did not visit the factory due to COVID19 and signed the contract. This fully suggests the client's trust in our company. The company will do the best to return the trust from the client.

In the future time, the company will sustainably enforce export trade. International Business Division of the company bears the task of expanding international market, and gradually sells Dooxin brand products to every corner of the world.


Welcome to Pengcheng Dooxin!

Address: No.418, Duoshan Road, Muping District, Yantai City, Shandong Province, P. R. China


Tel/whatsapp: +86 15688521079


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